Saturday 16 March 2013

Yoga Lifestyle Programme - Divine Synchronicity


We witnessed divine synchronicity the first day of the Yoga Lifestyle Programme at Pure Gym Urban Exchange. The first day of any programme is always exciting, I love discovering more about each of my students and finding out exactly how I can help them on their yoga journeys.

I intently listened as each student introduced themselves and shared with us their goals and aspirations. The more I listened, I felt a deeper resonation with the group.

As the introductions unfold, it turns out that each of my students in the group had a soul connection partner to work with. Their goals were exact! I was overwhelmed by how this perfect hevenly synchronicity manifested. The angels were definately working behind the scenes selecting which students would be right for this particualr programme. This is the law of divine timing. Everything has its own time so trust that whatever happens is meant to be.

We now come to the end of the final week of the first yoga lifestyle programme at Pure Gym Urban Exchange and it has been such a pleasure guiding you all along your yoga journeys. I have loved watching you all transform and develop in your practice. I'm truely proud of your dedication and commitment to making that change! Well Done! :)

I'm really looking forward to meeting my next group of students tomorrow and learning how I can help them evolve in their practice.

What is the Yoga Lifestyle Porgramme?

Ever since I have been teaching yoga, I am constantly being approached by my students regarding their love of yoga and them wanting to develop a home practice but not remembering the postures.
After months of contemplating and meditating on what my students desire I created the Yoga Lifestyle Programme. On this 6 week programme I guide my students along an eye opening jurney of how to structure a class and how to develop a bespoke yoga practice tailored to their specific needs.

The programme consists of 6 master classes. Each master class is divided into 2 x 45 minute sessions. The first half of the master class you learn all the basic yoga postures and sequences. We will explore beginner's and advanced warm-up sequences, standing postures, core strength poses, arm balances, deep twists, strogn energizing backbends, delicious forward bends, inversions and relaxation poses. This part of the session is sent to you on video via email or private facebook group where you can share your experiences, post queries, challenges etc.

The second half of the master class is where the magic happens.

I work one on one with my students and learn about what they want to achieve in their practice. I like to give my students the opportunity to work with another student with similar interests and goals and then encourage them to tap into their own intuition and listen to what their body wants and needs.

Working in small groups enables me to spend more time individually with each student and there is nothing more rewarding than seeing a student develop from practicing once or twice a week to practicing every single day.

The Yoga Lifestyle Programme will educate you on how to build a safe home practice that fits in with your lifestyle and open your mind, body and spirit to a whole new way of living.
Regualr practice of yoga makes you more mindful and creates lasting positive effects in your life.

The Yoga Lifestyle Programme is available to member and non-members of Pure Gym Urban Exchange. If you are not local to manchester, or cannot make it to the master classes for whatever reason, there is also an online programme available.

For more information please visit:


Sharon xx

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